that many years ago there was a generation of monster tamers.
Legend has it that they were fearsome and powerful monsters, that their roars could be heard miles away on the cold winter nights, they also say that they spit fire, that the ground trembled as they passed, and that left a smell that no one could ever forget, there are even those who claim to have seen them fly.
And as not could be otherwise,the legend says that the destinies of the most intrepid of the monster tamers and the most untamed monster of all, they crossed their destinies in a battle like no other.
And the legend has it, that the monster subdued and humiliated by the arm of the tamer, in the last act of pride and rebellion, he immolated himself becoming man and beast in a ball of fire, putting an end to the era of monsters.
The era of legends... The era Gr.B... The era of HENRI TOIVONEN.
By Tino & Ramon
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